Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Tuesday Tidbits

Are you getting used to me doing weekend recaps on Tuesday?  It's kind of like a tradition now.  Monday just always seems to be such a busy day, and I never seem to find the time to blog.  But I'm ready now, so here we go.

Our Thanksgiving weekend was good.  Besides Jason running to the Shopette a couple of times we didn't leave the house the entire time.  Not that we wanted to since it was COLD and snowing most of the time.

Thanksgiving Weekend Snow

Friday Jason hauled out all the Christmas stuff out of the storage closet.  He We also decided that the big Christmas tree was going up this year, so he hauled that out of the garage.  (If that does make any sense, let me explain.  We have two Christmas trees, a really big fat one, and a really skinny one.  Which one goes up depends on what house and what living room we have each year.  Part of being a military family and moving alot, I guess.)  It took some effort to get the big tree to fit.  We had to move the loveseat to the other side of the room, squish up the dining room table and chairs, and move the desk into the laundry room.  When it came time to assembly the tree, I left some of the branches out of the bottom so it would fit closer to the wall.  Shhh, don't tell anyone.  It was a lot of work, but it was worth it.

Christmas Tree

I am glad that this tree is really sturdy, and that I put all of the breakable ornaments at the top.  Every time Brennan is in the room, he has to grab and say hello to all the Santas, snowmen, and birds.  He also has to take a swing at all the bells to hear them "ring, ring ring," as he says.  With those noisemakers plus all of my cookie tins he has adopted as drums, we have a Christmas orchestra preformance in the living room every night.

We got most of the rest of the decorations up as well, and I finished the advent tree, but I think I will wait until later in the week to unveil those.  I know you can't wait! : )

Have a great week!

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