Monday, November 22, 2010

Let It Snow

I guess that you already figured out from the title that it has been snowing around here.  Yep, the ground is covered, my feet are cold, and we're expecting a few more inches tonight.  Anyone dreaming of a White Thanksgiving?

Snow On the Mountains
The mountains this morning.

November Snow
And our front yard.

Since the ground is covered in white stuff, I got my snow driving test this morning.  : )  Jason was super worried about me taking Brennan to school today.  He had already been to the gym and back and thought the roads were a little slick. 

OK...  I have driven in the snow before, and in vehicles that had no business driving in snow, no less.  I didn't think it would be an issue (obviously it wasn't since I am here typing this) but I think he was expecting me to say we'd just stay home.  Instead I drove him to work to show my snow driving prowess, all the while getting the snow driving rules rattled off to me.  He reminded me he's certified by the military to drive in ice and snow.  Alrighty then.

Anyway, we stayed at home for most of the weekend.  I spent my time working on the advent calendar project.  If I don't pass out from the glue fumes, I think I might actually be able to get it done before December 1st.  The glue I am using is called Fabri-Tac.  The Joann's lady recommended it for what I was doing.  She didn't mention that it smells like nail polish remover, and one drop of it could make everyone in the room high, but hey, it works great.  (For gluing felt, not for getting high.)  : ) I just alternate between gluing and embroidering, so it's not too bad.

In between being crafty, I also fixed my blue hair.  It has been a long time since I've done my own highlights so I was a little scared.  It was really scary when I mixed up the highlighting stuff and it was blue, the exact color I was trying to get away from.

Bangs & Highlights

I think it turned out pretty good.  It took about 30 years off don't you think. haha


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