Friday, December 17, 2010

Technical Difficulties

Really, I don' know what it is with the Holidays and our electronics.  Last year our tv died...this year...the computer. 


Thankfully, I think the problem is only the power cord.  The bad thing is that a new cord won't be here until the 22nd. the meantime I am trying my hand, or I guess fingers, at blogging from my phone.  So far it has not been the most fun.  Like just now, my phone wanted to change "blogging" to "flogging," and "fun" to "cub."  Flogging a cub with my phone...that would have brought on some interesting comments.

Maybe that's why they say you can't always believe what you read on the internet.  Somebody just fat-fingered the facts. Ha ha.

Anyway, we have a fun weekend planned;  Santa, more Christmas movies and a trip to check out the lights in Temple Square.  I'll post pictures of all that as soon as that becomes possible.

Think about me in the meantime, I'm sure I'll be having computer withdraws.

...absolutely, positively sure.

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