Thursday, March 8, 2012

Pictures From Parent's Day

It was Parent's Day today at school.  Brennan has been looking forward to it for weeks.  In the past these days haven't been my favorite events since for some reason Brennan tends to turn into a turkey when faced with an audience.  Other kids won't leave their parent's laps the whole time, mine becomes the life of the party.

He did good today though, I was proud of him. We did miss out on the beginning of the Parent/Kid craft time because as soon as I walked in the door Brennan announced to everyone that he had to go to the bathroom and he needed help, right now!...and then he took off running.  Ha, I'm glad I was there to help, he was in there for awhile. Ahem. :)

3.07.2012 040
Even with the delay, Brennan had plenty of time to show me his cutting and gluing skills. We made a Cat in the Hat hat.  Brennan still hasn't decided if he left or right handed.  He switches back and forth constantly.  He seems to use both at the same skill level, so maybe he'll be ambidextrous?  We shall see in time. I don't ever push him, of course, but in my head I am "Go Team Lefty!" :)

Showing off his finished hat.

The hats all had an obvious design flaw; not one of them fit on the kids' heads!  Oops!

This time around the kids sat on the floor and sang songs about the days of the week, and about how much coins are worth.  They also did some sign language and reviewed their music symbols for us.

Brennan finding the Dog note (D).

Taking a bow.

After everyone found their music note, Brennan wanted to show me all the things on the wall.  As you can see, he had to keep track of what everybody else was doing, too. :)

And that's that. I can't believe it's already March, and the second Parent's Day this year.  This school year is flying by!

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