Wednesday, July 6, 2011

A Great Weekend - Part 1

We had a great 4th of July weekend.  I hope you did, too!  We kept it pretty low key and relaxed.  It helps that we can see several of the local towns' fireworks displays from our  backyard so we didn't have to go anywhere.  And since the fireworks didn't start until 10:00 and Jason had to be up bright and early Tuesday for work, it made it all the better.

Friday was a base family day, so our weekend actually started Thursday night.  We headed down to the Motor-Vu to see Cars 2 and the new Pirates of the Caribbean.  It was Brennan first time at a "big, big movie."
Motor-Vu Drive-In

He loved the popcorn.  There was about a 1/4 of a bag left at the end of the night, and he ate most of it himself. : )

Brennan stayed awake through all of Cars and was all into there being another movie.  Yeah, after the intermission, he didn't even make it through the Pirates previews.  Jason and I watched about an hour of the movie, then realized that if Brennan was sleeping so well while we were watching the movie, (that wouldn't be over until 3:30 in the morning) then he was going to be all awake and ready to go at about 6:30, and we were going to be dragging you-know-what.  So with that in mind, we headed back to the house, and decided we would just wait to see the rest of the movie when it came out on DVD.

Friday we ran all our our errands and did what work needed to be done around the house so we could have fun all weekend.  I went to Walmart and the Commissary (by myself!) in the morning, and then after I got home Jason and Brennan worked on cleaning up the jeep.
Washing the Jeep
We waxed it after it was all done, but I don't have any pictures of that because I was part of the "wax on - wax off" crew.  It was all shiny and pretty when we were done!

OK, I said we got all the work done on Friday, but I just remembered Jason had to do the yard work on Saturday morning.  He didn't want to throw off his schedule. : )
Washington St

Brennan didn't mind.  It gave him extra time for some big wheelin'.
Big Wheelin'
Look, shiny jeep!

Sunday driving and exploring.
East Canyon 1


This was part of the Mormon Trail.  I wonder what they thought when they got to the top of this ridge?
Mormon Trail

Sunday night we grilled out, and made s'mores.
Yummy S'mores
Brennan thought the s'mores were pretty tasty.

After bath time, Brennan spotted a fireworks preview.

The normal goofiness around here.

Then it was time for some snugglin'.  We were watching the original Cars.  Brennan didn't make it 'til the end this time.

Fourth of July!
Our Patriotic Breakfast
Patriotic Breakfast
I had fun making these.  I'm glad there was only three of us though, or everyone's french toast would have been cold!

Brennan is so proud of his flag shirt.
Wearing His Flag Shirt

Later that morning we went to the parade, but since since this post has gotten pretty long, and my stomach is telling me it's lunchtime, I'll save the rest of the story for tomorrow.

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