Saturday, April 7, 2012

Adventures in Gluten-Free Baking

Since we've cut back on gluten, I've made cake and brownies, and even the little cheese breads I blogged about a couple posts back.  But cookies...nope, there have been no cookies. I've been avoiding them. Wait, let me take that back, I found one of those make-it-in-a-cup-in-the-microwave recipes on Pinterest for chocolate chip cookies. Yeah, that was a big mistake and a bad way to break in my new GF (Gluten-Free) Flour.

It was an awful, nasty tasting mess.

So today, while I was perusing my March copy of Everyday Food, I found a recipe for Maple-Oatmeal Cookies. They looked pretty yummy, and since the recipe called for mostly oats, I decided it was time to try my skills at converting a cookie recipe to GF.

Maple-Oatmeal Cookies

It was a not completely awful, pretty good tasting mess.

Cookie Mess

The "cookies" ended up spreading all over the pan.  Since they were so thin, I had to hurry and scrape them off the pan right away or they were stuck like cement. That's why it looks like I was making granola in the picture above. I'm thinking the recipe might have turned out and actually taken the form of cookies if I would have made a whole batch (5 dozen). But since there are only two of us, and I was short on oats, I halved the recipe. I will have to try again, and maybe use different flour and leavening next time.

Little Assistant

Of course, my trusty assistant was there to oversee the operation.

Cookie Balls

It wasn't a complete loss. I was able to make cookie balls with the mess I salvaged off the cookie sheets.

Cookie Ball Happy

Brennan thought they were pretty tasty, (I did, too.) so I will definitely try to make these again. I'll keep you posted if I come up with a successful batch. :)

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