Friday, November 4, 2011

I Think I Have Found the Perfect Time to Blog...

It's 4:30 in the morning, and I am awake and blogging.  What?!  It's so nice and quiet.  Nobody is running, yelling, barking, needing to pee, fighting, banging Tonka trucks into my chair, wanting drinks or snacks, scaling cabinets, slamming doors, or wanting to sit in my lap.  Ahhhh...

Really, I am sure I am going to pay for this later today.  Hopefully, my insomnia from the last couple of nights doesn't continue, but while it's here I might as well blog, right?

I think I will break out a numerical list and blog about lots of things.  Wow!  I know, fancy, right? ha : )

1.  A Little Bit o' Happiness: Last Minute Lavender
Last Minute Lavender
Our lavender bush decided to send out a few last flowers before winter.  They don't smell as strong as the Springtime flowers, but they're still just as pretty.

2.  Soccer is Over.
Soccer 2011
I'm glad.  As it turns out, being a "soccer mom" is not my most favorite thing in the world.  I think Brennan got something out of it, though, so I guess we'll have to do it again next year.  

3. I forgot to tell you, I had a good birthday.
Heather Birthday Cake
Jason took the day off, which was a great present all by itself.  To top off the greatness, I even got an ice cream cake.  Yum!

4.   The ducks and geese were still at the farm.
Geese at the Farm

A few more farm pictures.

John Deere Brennan
John Deere Brennan
I wish you could have heard his tractor noises, too. : )

Checking out the chickens.
Checking out the Chickens

The John Boy goat.
John Boy Goat
My Grandma had a much larger version of this kind of goat.  They all answer to John Boy.

Petting the Horses
Petting the Horses

The farmhouse.
Wheeler Historic Farm
Can I move in now?

6.  Hmmm...My OCD self really wanted to finish this list on an even number, but I can't think of a 6, so just pretend I did. : )

 Happy Friday!!
(Hopefully mine will include a nap.  I'm sure I will need it!)

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