Friday, April 16, 2010

A Friday Post About Nothing Much

I don't really have anything to say about anything in particular, just a few random things from our week, but I do have a picture of Brennan, so that makes it a proper post, right?

We'll start with the picture.

- Brennan's been in heaven most of the week, because we've been able to play outside!  We even wore short-sleeved shirts yesterday with no jackets. It got up to 70! I'm keeping my fingers crossed that the snow is done, and spring has finally started.

- Brennan and I have gone a week now without watching any TV during the day. It started because I was tired of Brennan screaming to watch Yo Gabba Gabba or Elmo every 15 minutes. I turned it off and listened to that round of screaming, and we really haven't missed it since.

- We do watch TV after Jason gets home from work. The other day we watched the 90s movie Volcano with Tommy Lee Jones. Remember, it's about the volcano under Los Angeles, and Jones' character is Emergency Management for the city (which is what Jason does for the Air Force), and he spends the movie fighting lava, making barriers out of fire trucks, and blowing up streets and buildings. Yeah, pretty far out there. That's been our joke of the week when something doesn't turn out right. "It's because you didn't blow up the building and divert the lava. What were you thinking!"

- Speaking of natural disasters, there was an 5.0 earthquake in Utah last night. It was centered in Randolph, which looks to be about 2 hours from here. It happened around 6:00, and it was felt south of Salt Lake City. We didn't feel it here, but that doesn't surprise me. Jason was a couple houses down helping a friend fix his car, and Brennan and I were reading books. You'd think that would be a still activity and we would have felt the shaking, but Brennan is like an erthquake and never sits still. Yep, doesn't surprise me at all. Let's just hope that's all for the earth moving around here.

- My quilt project is coming along. I've made it my goal to finish 4 diamonds a week. I have one more to finish this week, and then I'm up to 16! Only 70ish more to go.

Well, I think that's about all of the randomness for now. Hopefully, everyone has a wonderful weekend. Aside from the typical Walmart and commissary runs, we're planning on working in the yard, and maybe going for a drive.

...That is, as long as Jason's not out blowing up buildings and diverting lava!


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