Thursday, July 9, 2009

A Catch Up Post

Not ketchup, catch up, though we sure are going through a lot of ketchup with two extra kids in the house. haha. Hmmm...not funny? I'll have to try harder next time. But really, lots of ketchup!

Yikes! Notice the huge gap since my last entry and now? Where does the time go? I just got home and found a note the Jason had taken the kids to go get new ID cards, so thought I better just start typing this while I had a few minutes.

So on to the catch up portion of the post, shall we?

The Two Week Recap

Airport - We picked the kid up the Friday before last and we have pretty much been on the go since then.



HIVES -Big red splotchy ones, all over Brennan. They began the evening before we went to the airport, and just kept getting worse that whole weekend. We took Brennan to the doctor Friday morning before heading to Tallahassee, and the prognosis was a reaction to the antibiotic he was taking for the sinus infection he had the week before. Sheesh! Poor baby looked so pitiful. This picture was taken on Friday. Imagine this amount of spots times 5 when Sunday rolled around.

Senior Pictures - Shanny's going to be a Senior this fall, so we have been taking lots of pictures. In her words, she's been pretty "stoked" about that! This is just a sneak peek, there are several more to come.
Shanntel Senior '10

Deer in the Backyard - It's nothing new to see the critters, Jason and I see them almost every day, but Shanny and Andrew thought they were pretty cool, so they took the camera outside and got some shots of them.

Margaritaville - The kids wanted to go to the souvenir shops out on PCB. Not an excursion I normally look forward to, especially on a holiday weekend, but we did it. We made it worth the drive though. The Bal's are all big fans of Jimmy Buffett, so of course we had to go to Margaritaville! Great food, great music, great fun, and we all got T-shirts to prove it. Andrew ate a whole platter or ribs and french fries, and was still hungry after that! Wow, that's a growing boy for ya!







Fourth of July - Fireworks on the Beach! Swimming, People Watching, the Sunset, the Moon - so much to take in, we all had a great time! Brennan was a little unsure of all the commotion and noise so I didn't get to take any pictures of the "official" fireworks, but I got some great photos anyway. Oh, and the blurry picture of the kids? Yeah, the camera was still set up in manual focus for the show, so they didn't end up in focus at all. But, if you can make it out, check out Brennan's beach mohawk, courtesy of Shanny. : )








Fashion Show - Shanny was the designer, and Brennan was the model. Much to his chagrin, as you can see in the last photo.




If all of that wasn't enough excitement, there have been Wii baseball, tennis, bowling, golf, boxing or skiing tournaments in the living room almost every day. Oh, and I can't forget about the Wii hula hooping contest! Unfortunately, I didn't get any photos of that, but I assure you, it was absolutely hilarious!

We've also been to the beach several times. On one of the trips we took family photos. I think they turned out very well. I'll post one today, but I'm not sure when I'll have the rest ready. With all of the senior pics I have to edit I'm predicting....oh, around Christmas time. Not really, but it feels like it.
Kids Walking

Well, I think that's the condensed version of the event highlights. I'm sure there is more that I'm forgetting, and if I think of anything I will add it.

As for the coming weekend, sadly, Shanny has to fly home on Sunday. We're planning on driving to Tallahassee on Saturday and spending the night in a hotel. That way we can just hang out at the pool that evening, and nobody has to get up at 1:30 in the morning Sunday to get to the airport on time. Not that I was volunteering myself or anything, but it really just makes it better for everyone.

That's all for now. Remember we love comments!

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