Tuesday, May 3, 2011

A Series of Events and a Few Pictures For Nana

I've been pretty scarce in blogland for the last week or so.  There was a reason.

I moved the living room furniture around last Monday.

No it hasn't taken me all week to move the furniture, but moving the furniture led to a sudden burst of project ideas, and I just had to go with it.  I got a lot accomplished and it has made me so happy.  Some of the stuff I finished were projects that have been sitting around half finished or stuff I wasn't quite happy with, and I was just waiting for the right solution to present itself.  Like our faux fireplace mantel and those brass lamps I got during my thrifty shopping trip.  Both of them got a makeover this week and now they are beautiful.  Well, actually I still have to work on one lamp, but at least I finally figured out what it needs to look like when it's through.

This week I have some sewing to do just as soon as this new fabric comes in the mail.great spot chartreuse
Another something for the living room.  Can you guess what it will be?

Besides being busy with home projects there hasn't been anything too eventful happen.

It has rained or snowed for most of it, so we haven't spent much time outside.

Brennan's been happy to wear his rain boots any chance he gets.
Brennan with Rainboots

The Easter Egg Hunt was ok.
It was so cold that morning, and I didn't really get any good pictures because there were so many people there I was too worried about Brennan getting trampled or lost.  He was happy.  He got 8 eggs and a goody bag.
Easter Egg Hunt

We made rainbow cupcakes.
Rainbow Cupcakes

Brennan still prefers just to lick the icing (or the batter) than actually eating the cupcake.
Making Cupcakes

The Easter Bunny left a basket of goodies and lots of eggs to find.
Easter Basket

His favorite thing was his new piggy bank.
New Piggy Bank
It took a look of convincing (with lots of whining, tears and pouting) and a broken piggy leg for Brennan to realize that the pig wasn't a toy, that he just had to sit on his bookshelf.  Don't worry, I glued him back together and now everyone is happy.

At school last week, the theme was "Cowboys and Cowgirls."
Brennan was in Wild West heaven.  Copper not so much.  Brennan has decided he's a horse.  Copper doesn't agree.

Speaking of Copper.  He's turned into Mr. Destruct-o since Jason's been gone.
Dog Confetti
Because who doesn't want to deal with dog confetti first thing in the morning?  I bought him some new toys today.  Hopefully that will help.

So I think we're all caught up.  I made myself a "honey do" list list morning, so it looks like it will be another busy week.  I might even get my flowers planted in the next few days.  It got into the 60s today.

Whoo Hoo!!

p.s.  I turned anonymous commenting off today.  I've been getting some spam and some weirdos.  So from now on if you want to comment you have to log in or just email me.  That seems to be the favored way of doing it anyway.

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