Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Tuesday Randomness

Putting together several random thoughts constitutes a blog post, right?  I say yes. : )

Bathroom Mystery...

I don't know what it is.

Perhaps the gravitational pull in our bathroom is just immense.

This is the scene I come upon at least once a day.
Dang towel super gravity.


Life with a boy....
Basketball Hoop
This has become a permanent fixture on the back of my desk chair.  Oh, and the hard hat is a required part of the "uniform." Safety first!

Upcoming fun...

Jason and I will be celebrating our 10th wedding anniversary in July.  Yay!  We've got some plans for a getaway in the works.

Here's a little hint.

We'll be hoping to see some of these.
{Image source}



As Brennan's vocabulary grows, he comes up with some often funny ways of expressing himself.  I thought I better write some of them down before I forget.

A lot of them revolve around Panda.

Who's Panda?
We got Brennan a Pillow Pet for his birthday.
Birthday - Panda
It's the first thing he really ever asked for, and actually he started asking for one back before Christmas, so we got him a panda.

Panda and Brennan were inseparable from day one.  Actually, he is already looking a little dingy and it's only been 2 1/2 months.  Brennan drags him everywhere!  Panda is usually the first thing I see most mornings.  Brennan will climb in our bed and shove Panda in my face and say, "Good Mornin' Mommy, Panda says Good Mornin' too."  Of course there are some days that I just want to send Panda sailing across the room, but I'm a nice mommy and don't.

According to Brennan, Panda is silly and sleeps a lot.  He also keeps me constantly appraised of Panda's emotional state.  Just a few minutes ago I was informed that, "Panda is happy."  Thank goodness, we can't be having any mopey pandas around here!   

A few more:

- After he yawns he says, "I'm just a little bit tired."

- When he sees the FedEx truck, "Look Fox!" (It took us awhile to figure that one out.) :)

- When he wants to take a nap, "Brennan needs to go take a little sleep."

- Blueberries and Strawberries are "Blue Boggies."

- Any time we're outside he has to point out every school bus, UPS truck, FedEx truck, mailman, concrete mixer, trash truck, motorcycle, bicycle, balloon and American flag we come across.

- American flag comes out "A-mark-a-mark-an flag.

The computer is the "com-puke-a-pew-ter."

And last but not least, it's a big day...
Happy Birthday Andrew!

As for the rest of our day, it's all overcast and looking like rain outside, so we have big plans to watch Mary Poppins and to do some laundry.

Have a Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious day!

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